Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
أثر أعمال القلوب على الدعوة والداعية.
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : From my point of view, this study is important. Because it tells about an important issue related to the influence of the heart acts on an Islamic preacher himself and on his preaching. This study contains an introduction, a preface and four chapters. In the introduction, I mention the research’s problem, it’s objectives, it’s importance, and the previous studies. After the preface , I mention -in chapter one- the acts of hearts and their importance, proving their impact and influence through the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah. I also mention a brief summary about the Aqidah (Creed) of the Salaf about the acts of hearts and those who disagree with them in three subchapters. I mention- in chapter two- some examples of heart’s acts that affect an Islamic preacher and his da’wa, with some practical examples from the life of the Salaf that show the imact of the heart’s act on their lives and their da’wa. That is in two subchapters. In chapter three, I mention the effects of realizing heart’s acts on an Islamic preacher himself, and on his preaching. And that is in two subchapters. In the first one, I mention twelve researches that indicate the effects of heart’s acts on an Islamic preacher himself. In the second subchapter, I mention eleven researches show the effects of heart’s acts of an Islamic preacher on his preaching. In chapter four, I mention some effects of neglecting an Islamic preacher his heart’s acts on himself and on his preaching, and that is in two subchapters. In the first one, I talk about the effects of neglecting an Islamic preacher of his heart’s acts on himself, and it contains fifteen researches. The second subchapter, the effects of neglecting an Islamic preacher of his heart’s acts on his preaching, and it has five researches. Then, I conclude the research with the most important findings and recommendations. One of the most important findings that I find is that an Islamic preacher`s success in his preaching depends on many reasons. On the top of them is purification and integrity of his heart .On the other hand, one of the major reasons of an Islamic preacher`s failure in preaching is the spiritual diseases of his heart .And I mentioned practical recommendations about that. May Allah bless and help. 
Supervisor : Dr. Good luck 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2020 AD
Added Date : Monday, June 29, 2020 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ابراهيم حسن الحضريتيAlhidraity, Ibrahim HassanResearcherDoctorate 


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