Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Test anxiety in its relationship to self efficacy and academic achievement - a comparative study between normal and gifted of middle school students in Jeddah
قلق الاختبار في علاقته بفعالية الذات والتحصيل الدراسي دراسة مقارنه بين العاديين والموهوبين من طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة بجدة
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The current study aims to reveal the relationship between test anxiety, self-efficacy, and academic achievement among normal and gifted students in middle school in Jeddah and compare them, and on a sample consisting of (363) middle school students (248) middle school students for normal and (115) intermediate school students For the gifted. A test anxiety scale was applied by the current researcher and the self-efficacy measure prepared by Abdullah and Al-Aqqad (2008). The study adopted in its measurement of academic achievement the general average of students at the end of the first semester. To verify the study hypotheses, the researcher relied on the statistical package (Spss) in conducting iterations, percentages, averages, standard deviations and correlations and the significance of the differences between correlations and factor analysis, the study showed the following results: The presence of a negative correlation with statistically significant between students ’scores in test anxiety and their degrees in effectiveness The self of normal students, And the presence of a negative correlation with statistically significant between students ’scores in the test anxiety and their degrees in the effectiveness of the self among gifted students, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the strength of the correlation between the anxiety and the effectiveness of the self between the normal and gifted in favor of the sample of gifted students, and about the existence of a negative correlation with Statistical significance between students ’grades in test anxiety and their grades in academic achievement for normal students, and the presence of a negative correlation relationship with statistical significance between students’ grades in anxiety and their grades in academic achievement among gifted students, and the absence of significant differences A testament to the strong link between anxiety and academic achievement among normal and gifted students, And on the absence of a difference between the global format of the variables of test anxiety, self-efficacy and academic achievement of normal students and the global format of these variables among the gifted, and according to the results of the study the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including the importance of psychological support in general education schools for normal or gifted students, specifically from a specialized psychological specialist and attention By improving the school climate in general and the climate during the testing period in particular, and making various counseling programs (individual and group) increase the degree of self-efficacy among students. Key words: test anxiety, self-efficacy, middle school, normal students, gifted students, comparative study, Jeddah. 
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Zakariya Ahmed Al-Shirbini 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2020 AD
Added Date : Monday, May 18, 2020 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
رأفت سليمان الأحمديAl-Ahmdi, Rafat SulimanResearcherMaster 


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