Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Effect of the Declension on The Meaning of IBN ABI AL-RABIEA (599 - 688 H) Through His Interpretation of The Holy Quran
أثر الإعراب على المعنى عند ابن أبي الربيع(599هـ - 688هـ) من خلال تفسيره للقرآن الكريم
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study deals with the phenomenon of multi-declension and its effect on the meaning in an applied framework. Its subject is the interpretation of IBN ABI RABIEA in the light of an analytical descriptive approach. The study is divided into three chapters, preceded by a preface and followed by a conclusion. The preface is divided into two topics. The first topic is about the concept of declension and directing the meaning. The second topic is about the biography of IBN ABI RABIEA and his interpretation. Then the first chapter, which is an applied study of the effect of the declension in directing the nominative, accusative and genitive names. The second chapter was to complete the applied study of the effect of the declension in directing the verbs that were nominative, accusative and jussive. The theoretical study was in the third chapter which was the characteristics of the effect and influence of IBN ABI RABIEA , his doctrine and his grammatical efforts in his interpretation, and it was divided into four topics. The first topic was about his being influenced by the predecessors , and his effect in the followers. The second topic was about the grammatical assets adopted in the directives of IBN ABI RABIEA, his doctrine and grammatical efforts in his interpretation. The third topic was about his caring about language and grammar in his interpretation. The fourth topic was about the advantages of the book of the Interpretation of Quran. It based on the analytical descriptive approach. The study aimed at clarifying the concept of declension and directing the meaning, the biography of IBN ABI RABIEA, getting phenomenon of multi-declension in the directives of IBN ABI RABIEA considered as a model and referring to a number of declension books, then noting how the declension affects the meaning then introducing the most likely as possible. The study concluded that multi-declension is a prominent phenomenon in the holy Quran text, and that each aspect of the declension reflects a aspect of the moral aspects of the text often. It is undeniable that meaning has a role in weighting, rejecting, or accepting the declension aspects. Both complete each other in order to understand the text. 
Supervisor : Prof. 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1440 AH
2019 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
إيمان طلال البركاتيAl-Barakati, Eman TalalResearcherMaster 


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