Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Documentation Mechanisms for Tacit Knowledge of Government Projects: A Case Study in Jeddah Municipality
آليات توثيق المعرفة الضمنية للمشاريع الحكومية: دراسة حالة على أمانة محافظة جدة
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aim of the study was to uncover the mechanisms of documenting the implicit knowledge of government projects in the Jeddah Municipality by revealing the reality of the application of implicit knowledge documentation mechanisms and identifying the methods used to transform implicit knowledge into knowledge management processes (diagnosis, creation and sharing) , And to determine the extent to which the knowledge center in the Jeddah Municipality applied the basic knowledge management processes in its various projects. In addition, the significance of the statistical differences between the averages of applying the implicit knowledge dimensions (experience, skill and thinking) . In Jeddah Municipality projects according to the different personal variables In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study was used. Three tools were used: questionnaire, interview and checklist for content analysis. They were applied to the entire study community by comprehensive inventory of all employees in the Jeddah Municipality in five departments and administrative units consisting of (57) From the psychometric properties of the three tools (validity and reliability ), the results of the study found that the degree of application of implicit knowledge dimensions (experience, skill and thinking) In the Jeddah Municipality's projects from the point of view of the employees was "high", which came after the thinking of the first level, and found that the most prominent methods to transform the knowledge implicit in the processes of knowledge management (diagnosis, creation and sharing) in the projects of the Secretariat of Jeddah, Jeddah governorate "by applying (75.4%). (89.5%). The overall percentage of traditional authentication mechanisms in the Jeddah Municipality was 64.9% (64.7%). Using and writing of legislations and regulations on the site of the Secretariat was (78.9%) at the first level and the lowest was the use of storytelling (40.4%). The most prominent electronic authentication mechanisms are the use of an internal communications network (Intranet) to facilitate the transfer of ideas and implicit knowledge among all departments and employees within the Municipality of Jeddah by (87.7%). The lowest use of voice-to-text programs is (42.1% The obstacles faced by the Secretariat in documenting the implicit knowledge related to organizational culture of knowledge management (68.42%), while the rest of the percentage was distributed on both technological obstacles and leadership constraints, as evidenced by the analysis of the content of the Knowledge Center in Jeddah Municipality , Availability of daily operational process manuals Departments and Departments) The results revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in estimating the degree of application of implicit knowledge dimensions (experience, skill and thinking) in the projects of the Jeddah Municipality due to the difference of age, specialization, scientific qualification, years of experience and management followed by the employee, administrative level and career level. One of the most important recommendations was the need to work on developing the knowledge center located in Jeddah Municipality to achieve its desired objectives, and the need to benefit from nearby expertise through the search for the achievements of others in other municipalities, as well as work on studying past experiences and experiences in similar environments. Add a special tab in the Knowledge Center with the unified performance charter, which includes the strategy of the departments and their performance indicators, and the procedures and policies of the departments and updating them periodically.. 
Supervisor : Prof. Sawsan Taha Dulaimi 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1440 AH
2019 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 24, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ابتسام حسين الزهرانيAlZahrani, Ibtisam HusseinResearcherDoctorate 


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