Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Doctrinal Opinions of Al-Igy's The Deceased in (756 AH/ 1355 AC) book "Almawaqif fi Ilm Alkalam" A Study of Review And Criticism According to The Sunnis
آراء الإيجي الاعتقادية في كتابه: (المواقف في علم الكلام) (ت 756ﻫ/ 1355م) عرض ونقد في ضوء عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة
Subject : Faculty of Arts & Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The research presents a critical study of Al-Ejy's views of creed (`Aqidah) in his book Stances (Al-mawaaqif) in theology, in the light of the creed of the Ahl -as-Sunnah wal- Jamaa’ah. Significance and objectives of the study: The study is significant insofar as it fulfills the need for evaluating the sources of the opponents? and providing a scientific study of such sources. This is expected to reveal their approaches and creed, and show the true nature/ image of their books. It also aims to serve the approach of ‘Ahlu -as-Sunnah wal- Jamaa’ah by studying the books of their opponents and refuting their arguments. The research was divided into three sections, apart from the introduction that presents the age of Al-Ejy, his life and definition of his book Stances (Al-mawaaqif). Part I: Part I is entitled “Al-Ejy's views of Monotheism of God Almighty”. Part II: Part II is entitled “Al-Ejy's views about prophethood, the Last Day and Divine Decree”. Part III: Part III is entitled “Al-Ejy's views about the rest of the matters of (`Aqidah)”. Conclusions of the study: Not only is Al-Ejy one of the followers of Al-Ash`ari approach, but also one of the theoreticians who established it. His belief is that of Al-Ash`aris and he is a follower of the recent approach of the Ash`aris. His book Stances (Al-mawaaqif) reflects the effect of the theological approach in general, which is embodied in turning away from Allah's speech and the Sunnah of the prophet Mohammad (May Allah have peace upon him), and following the Al-Ash`ari approach. Though he follows the approach of ‘Ahlu –as-Sunnah wal- Jamaa’ah regarding some issues of creed, yet he opposes them in most of the other issues. Furthermore, his speech and discussion show contradiction in a number of situations/ occasions. Recommendations: The study recommends that specialists should study the books of theology, criticize them and provide warnings against the errors committed by theologians, such as opposing legal texts and deviating from the approach of ‘Ahlu –as-Sunnah wal- Jamaa’ah. 
Supervisor : Prof. Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ghamdi 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1438 AH
2017 AD
Added Date : Monday, June 5, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
خلود فؤاد كتوعةKattoa'h, Kholood FouadResearcherDoctorate 


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