Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Training Program on Reducing Work Stresses among Staff Nurses in Holy Makkah Hospitals
فعالية برنامج تدريبي معرفي سلوكي في تخفيف ضغوط العمل لدى بعض من ممرضي مستشفيات مكة المكرمة
Subject : Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aims of this study are to identify work stresses and the reasons among the staff nurses, and also to identify the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral training program on reducing work stresses encounter by staff nurses who are working in Holy Makkah Hospitals in Kingdome of Saudi Arabia . A descriptive and analytical methods were used with 369 staff nurses in order to identify the reasons and the degree of work stresses while an experimental method (the control group and the experimental group) was used with 10 staff nurses in order to identify the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral training program on reducing work stresses encounter by staff nurses. The scale of nursing stress was applied to collect data. The study results revealed that the most common sources of work stresses among nurses working in Holy Makkah hospitals are represented in domains of ( work colleagues, seniors, the patient, nature of work, and administration). All of these domains are with (average) score. Furthermore, the total score of work stresses with nurses at Holy Makkah hospitals was within acceptable range with mean score of (2.66). The domain of the patient was in the first rank, followed by domain of work colleagues, then by the domain of administration, after that by the domain of nature of work and finally the domain of work seniors. Moreover, the study results showed that, there are statistically significant differences at (0.05) among the mean responses of the study sample concerning the score of experimental and control group on the scale of stresses in the post-test. The differences were in favor of the control group. Also, there are statistically significant differences at a level of (0.05) among the mean responses of the study sample concerning the mean scores of the experimental group on the scale of stresses in the pre and post-test. The differences were in favor of the pre-test. Also, there are no statistically significant differences at a level of (0.05) among the mean responses of the study sample concerning the mean scores of the control group on the scale of stresses in the pre and post-test. There are no statistically significant differences at a level of (0.05) among the mean responses of the study sample concerning the mean scores of the experimental group on the scale of stresses in the first post-test and the second post-test. Also, the study reported that staff nurses suffer from psychological and professional stresses due to stressful sources surrounding them, which outweigh their psychological, mental, and physical abilities. Therefore training of staff nurses on some skills enables them to overcome such stresses. Such skills are represented in the followings "Relax, assertive behavior, positive self-dialogue; asking for support, and problem-solving", and this training on these skills leads to reduce the level of occupational stress among nurses by 1.106 as a result of the difference between pre and 1st post tests toward pre-test. 
Supervisor : Dr. Mansour Ahmed Balkhour 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1437 AH
2016 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Alsyed Khaled Mathanah 
Added Date : Sunday, December 18, 2016 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبيد الله حميد اللحيانيAllehiany, Obaidullah HemaidResearcherDoctorate 


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