Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Approaches toward the development of DNA vaccine for influenza A virus
اتجاهات نحو تطوير لقاح من الحامض النووي لفيروس أنفلونزا أ
Subject : Faculty of Sciences 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The main goals of the present investigation are to prepare a viral DNA vaccine to help stimulate the immune system of poultry. To increase the efficiency of this vaccine has been tested to prepare pairs of DNA from Necleoprotein (NP) coupled with the DNA of seven other genes of the virus in order to identify the other virus proteins that induce the immune system of poultry and provide protection against the virus. To accomplish this work, a strain of H5N1 circulating in Egypt was identified and confirmed using rapid diagnostic methods and also using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to hemagglutinin gene and neuraminidase gene, then the virus was propagated in MDCK cell line. The viral genes were extracted and amplified full length. The cDNA cloned in gene expression vector (PHW2000) and transformed to competent cell. The level of maternal antibodies were determined by ELISA to appoint the right time to give the vaccine. The chickens were divided into eight groups, each group was vaccinated by pair of DNA NP with one of the another genes, then; the efficiency to provide protection of coupled with the DNA vaccine was determined by neutralization assay. The results showed that the vaccine that consists of NP with NS has adequate protection for poultry. 
Supervisor : Dr. Nezar A. Redhwan 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Added Date : Monday, August 23, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ثامر أحمد بوبكBouback, Thamer AhmedResearcherMaster 


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