Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
effect of curcuma plant against Methotrexate (MTX) induced genotoxicity in male mice
دراسة وراثية جزيئية للتأثير الوقائي لنبات الكركم المضاد للسمية الوراثية المحدثة بعقار الميثوتركسات في ذكور الفئران
Subject : Faculty of Sciences 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study was on male mice transactions in a single extract of turmeric and methotrexate and transactions commonalties each. Those know the impact on the genetic material using technology RAPD-PCR, molecular modern high-efficiency to determine the genetic damage to the DNA levelTwinty random 10 nucleotide primers were used . PCR Products were separated by Agrose gel electrophoreses. The results showed differences between obtained bands. The genetic change obtained by different primers revealed 145 total band ranging in length between 1500 to 50 base pairs, including 86 of command band appeared in all groups of transactions, 59 of polymorphic bands. In addition, the average of polymorphism difference was 41% of total bands. Meanwhile, Dendrogram drawn to demonstrate the relative genetic similarities among the different primers. and find a single and combined of curium extract and methoterexate drug had changed of DNA, especially in the common transactions might this change was related the interaction between both components. 
Supervisor : Prof. Nada Al-Twiti Al-Qurashy 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr.Salhe Yehya Al-Aquli 
Added Date : Wednesday, July 21, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
رنيم عدنان العونيAl-Ouny, Raneem AdnanResearcherMaster 


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