Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Measurement of PM10 Concentration and its Relation with Pulmonary Functions among Workers in Gypsum Industry.
قيـاس تركيـز الجسيمـات العالقـة الأقـل مـن 10ميكرون وعلاقتـها بوظائف الرئـة بيـن عمال الصنـاعات الجبسيـة
Subject : Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Through its developmental plans, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia witnessed a comprehensive and speed progress in all fields. This progress led to establishing many different industries, the matter encourages some irregular industrial activities that practiced in the residential districts, some of which is the gypsum decoration industry located at Al-Rabwa district in Jeddah. Therefore, this study concentrates on the evaluation of air quality and knowing the laborers' health conditions in these sites, where the study involves measures related to the respirable particulates’ concentration (less than 10 microns) with relation to the pulmonary functions of the gypsum laborers, because this represents an injury affecting the general health especially the respiratory system in addition to the contained harmful materials. The respirable particulates’ concentrations (less than 10 microns) were estimated as using the high volume air sampler which was precedently calibrated by the manufacturing company suggestion, air samples are taken from different sites among the study area inside the gypsum decoration industry places within different times in three shifts according to the site work size. One hundred and one samples of air have been taken from different (11) sites with average of (8) hours for each sample. The pulmonary functions were also measured for the gypsum industries laborers. A special questionnaire was prepared to know the health symptoms and complains comparing them with the results of pulmonary functions among the control sample the individuals of which were chosen from same nationality and age, in addition to the smoking habit in order to realize the highest level of resemblance and correspondence between the two groups of laborers, whereas a test for pulmonary functions was performed using (Spirometer) after it was calibrated for (102) laborers of the gypsum industries chosen strictly especially concentrating on laborers spent the longest period of time working in this field, in addition to filling special questionnaire containing the personal data and other information about the respiratory complains and symptoms or the different health problems, then same test was performed for (102) laborers chosen as a control sample along with filling their questionnaires. It is noticeable in the air samples results that there is a high level of gypsum dust concentration inside these yards, whereas the mean suspended particulates’ concentration (less than 10 microns) estimated to 362 microgram/m3 and the maximum reading of which is 1127 micrograms/m3 but the minimum reading is generally 31 micrograms/m3, and in turns it is obviously that the pendent particles concentrations are generally high in the work environment in comparison to the local controls, also it is concluded that the high or low suspended particulates’ concentrations are existent as a result of the work size and the number of laborers available in the site in addition to the effect of air conditions simultaneously come in line with the time of sampling. Regarding the study second section results, it is concluded that there is a difference in the pulmonary function test results between the two groups in addition to the obvious effect of the gypsum industries on the lung function efficiency among the gypsum industries laborers, whereas the results explain that there is a major significant difference in relation with interpretation of pulmonary function test revealing that the normal gypsum laborers reaching (46%) against (88.2%) from the control sample and the restrictive (54%) gypsum laborers against a percentage of (11.8) from the control sample. According to results, there is a significant difference regarding the actual forced vital capacity and the percentage of the forced vital capacity from the predicted one. 
Supervisor : dr. 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1430 AH
2009 AD
Co-Supervisor : dr. 
Added Date : Monday, December 28, 2009 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
وليد عوض الشهريalshihry, waleed awadResearcherMasterWALEEDALSHIHRY75@HOTMAIL.COM


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